The verses above summarize the
attitudes and actions we want to have as we experience this opportunity. Our itinerary may change, so these requests
may be adjusted as the week progresses.
Pray that we will be cheerfully flexible to
follow God’s plan. Here is what we ask
at this time:
Sunday - Friday, August 9-14 - Pray that the Lord will prepare our hearts for our trip. For several of us, it's our first mission trip. Please pray God enables us to do a good job taking care of loose ends for being away from home for several days. We want to have God's peace if some tasks don't get done, and if there are situations we think might need our attention while we are gone, trusting that He has it all under control.
Saturday, August 15 - This afternoon, we plan to pack the 15-passenger van and SUV that we will be
driving to Lynch. Please pray that everything will fit and that we don't
forget any essentials. Pray for a good night's sleep so we will be at
our best.
Sunday, August 16 - We will gather at church from 11 - Noon for a meal before heading out. We
pray this will be a sweet time of fellowship and that the Lord will give
us a sense of excitement and camaraderie as we "head for the
hills". Please pray that we arrive safely, with no one getting
carsick and no traffic issues. The last leg of our journey has some
winding roads. Tammi will be driving the van. She is used to
driving a big van. We are so glad about that!
When we arrive, we will need to
visit the local grocery store to buy some food for the week. Pray that we
remember the essentials. We have not done a lot of prep, so that we can
spend our funds supporting the local businesses. This is exciting for some of us and a little
challenging for others of us who like to plan and organize. But, already, we
are learning to trust God to lead us.
Monday, August 17 - Today we will visit several places in the town of Lynch and will be cleaning
and organizing. May everyone we serve see the love of Jesus in us. Please pray that we all stay healthy and that
we will not be concerned about anything going on “back home”.
Tuesday, August 18 - Some of us will be working at the Stables and others will work at Shekinah
Village, a 35-acre youth camp/retreat center.
Pray that God will direct each of us to the task He has planned for us
to do. Please also pray for good
weather. Lynch can run 8-10 degrees
cooler than Greensboro, which is nice, but they also have had a wet
Wednesday, July 19 - We plan to visit Arlie Boggs Elementary School. We look forward to
meeting some of the children. In the afternoon, we will visit the mining
museum and Kingdom Come Park, where you can see five states. Pray that God will open our eyes and hearts
to love and appreciate the people of Lynch the way He does, as we learn about
their history and meet some of the children.
Thursday, August 20 - Today, some of us will visit widows and widowers. We have prepared
Sonshine Baskets of goodies to give them. Others will work in the Gift
Shop or organize the Sewing Room. Some
may be sewing. Lord, give us your
skills. May we sense Your power and may You
be glorified. May the widows and
widowers be encouraged by our visits.
Friday, August 21 - We have to be out in the morning so the staff has time to clean up before the
next group of volunteers arrive on Sunday afternoon. Please pray that we
leave our accommodations at least as nice as we found them and that we don't
forget anything. We pray for a great ride home and that
our drivers will stay alert. May we, and
the people we have met this week, be filled to overflowing with gratitude to
God for an awesome week.
I plan to post new
info during the trip, which will include more specific prayer requests. You can sign up on the right side of
this page, under our photo, if you want to receive an email notification of new updates.
We are SO grateful that you are willing to take time out of your day to pray for us!
The Lynch Ladies